During the first week of December 2016, Javier Vera-Duarte travelled to Juan Fernandez Archipelago, particularly to Robinson Crusoe island, eastern Pacific, location where he collected several specimens of the wrasse Malapterus reticulatus (family Labridae), locally known as vieja (old lady).
Estos individuos corresponden a Pseudolabrus gayi (gracias a Vladimir Garmendia por el comentario)
Specimens of Malapterus reticulatus collected in Cumberland Bay, Robinson Crusoe island, during December 2016.
Los peces se caracterizan por poseer un par de prominentes dientes caniniformes en la maxila y dentario desde tamaños pequeños y recientemente la industria acuícola ha posado sus ojos en esta especie por su conducta de pez limpiador de ectoparásitos de otros peces.
These fishes have prominent caniniform teeth in the maxilla and dentary in all collected sizes; recently, the aquaculture industry has indicated as a potential cleaner fish because of its behaviour of eating ectoparasites from other fishes.
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